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A self-managed WireGuard-based VPN server and Linux firewall designed for simplicity and security.


Important: Ensure you’re reading the correct version of this README for the current version of Firezone you’re running. Links to the README for past versions:

Table of Contents

What is Firezone?

Firezone is a Linux package to manage your WireGuard VPN through a simple web interface.




Firezone is not:

Deploying and Configuring

Firezone consists of a single distributable Linux package that you install and manage yourself. Management of the Firezone installation is handled by the firezone-ctl utility while management of the VPN and firewall themselves are handled by the Web UI.

Firezone acts as a frontend to both the WireGuard kernel module and netfilter kernel subsystem. It creates a WireGuard interface (by default called wg-firezone) and firezone netfilter table and adds appropriate routes to the routing table. Other programs that modify the Linux routing table or netfilter firewall may interfere with Firezone’s operation.


Firezone requires a valid SSL certificate and a matching DNS record to run in production. We recommend using Let’s Encrypt to generate a free SSL cert for your domain.

Security Considerations

Firezone is beta software. We highly recommend limiting network access to the Web UI (by default port tcp/443) to prevent exposing it to the public Internet.

The WireGuard listen port (by default port udp/51821) should be exposed to allow user devices to connect.

Supported Linux Distributions

Firezone currently supports the following distributions and architectures:

Name Architectures Status Notes
AmazonLinux 2 amd64 Fully-supported See AmazonLinux 2 Notes
CentOS 7 amd64 Fully-supported See CentOS 7 Notes
CentOS 8 amd64 Fully-supported Works as-is
Debian 10 amd64 Fully-supported See Debian 10 Notes
Debian 11 amd64 Fully-supported Works as-is
Fedora 33 amd64 Fully-supported Works as-is
Fedora 34 amd64 Fully-supported Works as-is
Ubuntu 18.04 amd64 Fully-supported See Ubuntu 18.04 Notes
Ubuntu 20.04 amd64 Fully-supported Works as-is
openSUSE Leap 15.3 amd64 Fully-supported See openSUSE Notes

If your distro isn’t listed here please open an issue and let us know. New distros are being supported on a regular basis and there’s a good chance yours will be added soon.

AmazonLinux 2 Notes

Kernel upgrade required:

sudo amazon-linux-extras install -y kernel-5.10

CentOS 7 Notes

Kernel upgrade to 4.19+ required. See this guide for an example.

Ubuntu 18.04 Notes

Kernel upgrade to 4.19+ required. E.g. apt install linux-image-generic-hwe-18.04

Debian 10 Notes

Kernel upgrade to 4.19+ required. See this guide for an example.

openSUSE Notes

Firezone requires the setcap utility, but some recent openSUSE releases may not have it installed by default. To fix, ensure libcap-progs is installed:

sudo zypper install libcap-progs

Installation Instructions

Assuming you’re running Linux kernel 4.19+ on one of the supported distros listed above, follow these steps to setup and install Firezone:

  1. Install WireGuard for your distro. If using Linux kernel 5.6 or higher, skip this step.
  2. Download the relevant package for your distribution from the releases page.
  3. Install with sudo rpm -i firezone*.rpm or sudo dpkg -i firezone*.deb depending on your distro.
  4. Bootstrap the application with sudo firezone-ctl reconfigure. This will initialize config files, set up needed services and generate the default configuration.
  5. Edit the default configuration located at /etc/firezone/firezone.rb. At a minimum, you’ll need to review the following configuration variables:

    # Auto-generated based on the server's hostname.
    # Set this to the FQDN used to access the Web UI.
    default['firezone']['fqdn'] = ''
    # ...
    # Specify the path to your SSL cert and private key.
    # If set to nil, a self-signed cert will be generated for you.
    default['firezone']['ssl']['certificate'] = '/path/to/cert.pem'
    default['firezone']['ssl']['certificate_key'] = '/path/to/key.pem'
  6. Reconfigure the application to pick up the new changes: sudo firezone-ctl reconfigure.
  7. Finally, create an admin user with sudo firezone-ctl create-or-reset-admin. The login credentials will be printed to the console output.
  8. Now you should be able to log into the web UI at the FQDN you specified in step 5 above, e.g.

Configuration File

User-configurable settings can be found in /etc/firezone/firezone.rb.

Changing this file requires re-running sudo firezone-ctl reconfigure to pick up the changes and apply them to the running system.

Using Firezone

Your Firezone installation can be managed via the firezone-ctl command, as shown below. Most subcommands require prefixing with sudo.

root@demo:~# firezone-ctl
I don't know that command.
omnibus-ctl: command (subcommand)
General Commands:
    Delete *all* firezone data, and start from scratch.
    Resets the password for admin with email specified by default['firezone']['admin_email'] or creates a new admin if that email doesn't exist.
    Print this help message.
    Reconfigure the application.
    Resets nftables, WireGuard interface, and routing table back to Firezone defaults.
    Show the configuration that would be generated by reconfigure.
    Removes WireGuard interface and firezone nftables table.
    Kill all processes and uninstall the process supervisor (data will be preserved).
    Display current version of Firezone
Service Management Commands:
    Attempt a graceful stop, then SIGKILL the entire process group.
    Send the services a HUP.
    Send the services an INT.
    Send the services a KILL.
    Start the services if they are down. Do not restart them if they stop.
    Stop the services if they are running, then start them again.
    List all the services (enabled services appear with a *.)
    Start services if they are down, and restart them if they stop.
    Show the status of all the services.
    Stop the services, and do not restart them.
    Watch the service logs of all enabled services.
    Send the services a TERM.
    Send the services a USR1.
    Send the services a USR2.


For any problems that arise, a good first bet is to check the Firezone logs.

To view Firezone logs, run sudo firezone-ctl tail.


Upgrading Firezone will disconnect all VPN connections and require shutting down the Web UI. We recommend a maintenance window of about an hour in case anything goes wrong during the upgrade.

To upgrade Firezone, simply download the new OS package, install it over the existing installation with sudo dpkg -i firezone_X.X.X.deb or sudo rpm -i firezone_X.X.X.rpm and then run sudo firezone-ctl reconfigure.

Occasionally problems arise. If you hit any, please let us know by filing an issue.

Upgrading from 0.1.x to 0.2.x

Firezone 0.2.x contains some configuration file changes that will need to be handled manually if you’re upgrading from 0.1.x. Run the commands below as root to perform the needed changes to your /etc/firezone/firezone.rb file.

cp /etc/firezone/firezone.rb /etc/firezone/firezone.rb.bak
sed -i "s/\['enable'\]/\['enabled'\]/" /etc/firezone/firezone.rb
echo "default['firezone']['connectivity_checks']['enabled'] = true" >> /etc/firezone/firezone.rb
echo "default['firezone']['connectivity_checks']['interval'] = 3_600" >> /etc/firezone/firezone.rb
firezone-ctl reconfigure
firezone-ctl restart


To completely remove Firezone and its configuration files, run the script:

sudo /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

Warning: This will irreversibly destroy ALL Firezone data and can’t be undone.

Client Setup and Usage

Adding Devices

Add a device through the Web UI by clicking the “Add Device” button under /devices or /users. Once the device profile is created, you can send the WireGuard configuration file to the client.

Client Instructions

Clients should download the latest version of the WireGuard client from Once installed, clients can import the tunnel via the .conf file sent by the administrator.

Client Instructions

Getting Support

For help, feedback or contributions please join our Discourse. We’re actively working to improve Firezone, and the Discourse is the best way to coordinate our efforts.

Developing and Contributing




WireGuard® is a registered trademark of Jason A. Donenfeld.